【同义词辨析】 2019-10-24 鼓励encourage-inspirit
encourage: suggests the raising of one's confidence especially by an external agency: the teacher's praise ~d the student to try even harder.
inspirit: implies the instilling of life, energy, courage, or vigor into something: pioneers ~ed by the stirring accounts of the explorers. (instill长期灌输stresses gradual and gentle imparting of knowledge over a long period of time,如instill traditional values in your children向孩子灌输传统价值) (spirit是精神或者灵魂中的灵,强调能赋予生命属性stresses an entity that gives quality, constitution, or activity,如a man of fervent spirit一个精神热诚的人,如the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak精神(或灵)是进取的,但肉体是软弱的,如restoring the fallen one in a spirit of meekness用温柔的灵(或精神)挽回堕落者,如enforce the spirit rather than the letter of the law执行法律的精神,而不是法律的文字的) (近义词inspire也表示激励,但inspire还有启迪启发这层意思to give somebody new ideas or imaginations,如爱迪生说genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration百分之一灵感,都来自词根SPIRE表示to breathe呼吸)
hearten: implies the lifting of a dispiritedness or despondency by an infusion of fresh courage or zeal: a hospital patient ~ed by the display of moral support. 两词都是失望,dispirit强调因为没有实现希望,despondent强调事情已于事无补
embolden: implies the giving of courage sufficient to overcome timidity or reluctance: a successful climb ~ed her to try more difficult ones.
encourage鼓励: 表示使提升信心,inspirit鼓舞: 指注入生命力量勇气,hearten振作: 表示从失望沮丧中提振,重新注入勇气热情,embolden给人胆量: 指给人的勇气足以克服胆怯犹豫
记忆方法: 1)首字母EIHE,想象heei是一个词,表示此意<==鼓励
2)鼓励的意思是注入勇气力量mean to fill with courage or strength of purpose.